Protect You & Your Vehicle
Debt Protection
Your family means everything to you. If the unexpected happens, you don't want an emotionally trying situation to be compounded by financial worry. That's why there's Debt Protection, which may cancel your loan balance or payments in case of: Involuntary unemployment; Disability; or Death. Take an important step toward financial security and ask us about Debt Protection with Life Plus today. Learn More
Depreciation Protection
Protect the equity in your vehicle with Depreciation Protection through your credit union. Depreciation Protection (DP) kicks in if your vehicle is ever totaled or stolen and not recovered at anytime over the life of the loan. It waives some or all of your loan balance in the event of the total loss of your vehicle. The waiver benefit is equal to the difference between your vehicle's MSRP or retail value at the time of DPW purchase, less the amount of your loan balance at the time of the total loss. Learn More
Guaranteed Auto Protection (GAP)
Bridge the gap and protect the investment in your vehicle. Whether you finance or lease a new or used vehicle, it may be eligible for GAP. Briefly, if your vehicle is totaled in an accident, GAP protects you against the difference between your primary insurance carrier's settlement and the payoff of your loan. This could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars. GAP is designed for you in mind. To learn more about GAP, contact a Loan Advisor at 402.441.3555 or send us an email.
Mechanical Breakdown Insurance | Warranty (MBI)
EASY STREET | MAIN STREET | FIRST STREET - Your credit union offers several different coverages to protect your vehicle. Why pay more at the dealer when your credit union offers MBIs Insurance? We gotcha covered. Contact a Relationship Advisor today at 402.441.3555 or by email
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